The Chairman and Executive Director of Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation were invited by Japan Association for Asian Studies (JAAS) to joint 2018 Spring Roundtable “Assessing Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy”, which was Co-Chaired by Dr. Shigeto Sonoda of Tokyo University and Dr. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao of Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation. Over twenty scholars and experts attended the forum, most of them part of the Japanese China Studies, Taiwan Studies and Asian Studies academic community.
The roundtable forum invited Dr. Alan Hao Yang, CEO of Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation to present on the progress of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, and also invited Dr. Yuri Sato, Dr. Akira Suehrio and Dr. Jaeho Hwang to exchange perspectives from the viewpoints of economic connectivity, Southeast Asian countries and South Korea’s New Southern Policy.
The Chairman and CEO of TAEF joined JAAS 2018 Roundtable and their efforts on presenting Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy contributed in enhancing Japanese academic and policy-making communities’ deeper understanding of the rationale and execution of Taiwan’s Asia strategy. Most importantly, TAEF made successful efforts in securing further collaboration with Jetro-IDE, Japan.