Asian Dialogues: Transformative Leadership in Action. Through its three key themes – democratic deficit, development deficit and trust deficit – the dialogue on transformative leadership touches on contemporary challenges to effective and ethical governance and the rule of law (SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), equal opportunities to holistic social and national development (9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities), and the continuity of social order in the face of a rapidly changing world (10 – Reduced Inequalities). Through the sharing of experiences and engaging in an honest dialogue, older and younger generations of leaders can bridge the discourse gap across the three thematic areas. The event highlights on the value of intergenerational discourse in the transfer of “wisdom” and how today’s youths can serve as agents of impactful social innovation in their respective communities and beyond.
[FREE but LIMITED Registration - ONLY 60 slots available]
Sessions & Speakers
Session 1: Democratic Deficit
Ms. Rakshita Swamy, Senior Consultant, Center for Budget & Governance Accountability; Honorary Member, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (India)
Dr. Ketty Chen (陳婉宜), Vice President, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy | 民主基金會副執行長
Mr.Hung Kuo Chun (洪國鈞), Chief Editor , Watchout Co. (Taiwan) | 沃草有限公司總編輯
Ms. Ipa Chu (瞿筱葳), Co-Founder, g0v (Taiwan) | g0v共同發起人
Moderator: Dr. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (蕭新煌), Chairman, Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation | 台灣亞洲交流基金會董事長
Session 2: Trust Deficit
Mr. Lee Khai Loon, State Assemblyman for Penang, People's Justice Party (Malaysia)
Representative (name pending), American Institute in Taiwan
Ms. Alison Ohnmar Nyunt, Program Coordinator, Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Myanmar)
Young Leader (name pending), AIT Alumni Network
Moderator: Mr. Yuri Baral (柳殷日), Assistant Research Fellow & Program Manager for Youth Engagement, Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation | 臺灣亞洲交流基金會助理研究員與青年參與計劃專案經理
Session 3: Development Deficit
Ms. Audrey Tang (唐鳳), Minister without Portfolio (Taiwan) | 行政院政務委員
Ms. Carmencita Abella, President, Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation (Philippines)
Mr. Calvin Woo, former Head of Programmes, SASTRA Education Development (Malaysia)
Moderator: Dr. Alan Hao Yang (楊昊), Executive Director, Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation | 台灣亞洲交流基金會執行長