今年7月,臺灣亞洲交流基金會(臺亞會)與 國家人權委員會 (人權會)共同主辦了一場【#亞洲人權跨世代對話】專題論壇,邀請不同世代的台灣及東南亞人權倡議者展開對話,反思在跨世代及跨境之下的人權挑戰與機會,進而深化亞洲各國的人權交流及合作。本論壇為臺亞會年度旗艦活動【亞洲青年領袖營】的專題論壇,聚集來自東南亞、南亞、台灣及其他理念相近國家的青年領袖,共商全球最迫切的議題,以及探索青年在其中的角色。
To foster cross-generational and cross-boundary exchanges on human rights issues, Taiwan Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Taiwan joined hands in organizing 【Human Rights in Asia: A Multigenerational Dialogue】 in July this year. This event brought together human rights defenders from Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan to explore how human rights have evolved and ways in which we can collaborate to address shared challenges and opportunities in Asia.
This event is part of the 【2024 SEASAT Youth Camp】, an annual flagship event organized by the TAEF that brings together aspiring young leaders from Southeast Asia, South Asia, Taiwan, and other like-minded nations to exchange ideas on global issues and youth's participation.
—上集亮點 Part 1 Highlights—
00:00-05:12 論壇介紹 Introduction
05:13 -33:10 貴賓開幕致詞 Opening remarks by esteemed guests
33:11-1:12:31 與談人分享投入人權工作歷程 Panelists on their journey in becoming a human rights defender
開幕致詞 Opening Remarks
臺亞會 | 蕭董事長新煌TAEF | Chairman Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao
人權會 | 主任委員陳菊NHRC | Chairperson Chu Chen
中華民國外交部 | 田政務次長中光Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.(Taiwan) | Deputy Minister Tien, Chung-kwang
Moderator國家人權委員會| 葉委員大華NHRC | Commissioner Ta-hua Yeh
與談人 Panelists
臺北市議會| 苗議員博雅Taipei City Council | Councilor Poya Miao
臺灣青年民主協會| 張理事長育萌Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy | President Yu-Meng Chang
台灣人權促進會| 施資深研究員逸翔Taiwan Association for Human Rights | Senior Researcher Yi-Hsiang Shih
泰國蒙庫國王科技大學建築系 Architecture, King Mongkut’s University of Technology (Thailand) | Kay Thwe Oo
越南LGBTIQ倡議組織 Lumiqueer (Vietnam) | Phuc-Thanh Mai Vo
論壇全程影片觀看 To watch the full Video recording of the forum:https://youtu.be/d6tAmVsBbKQ

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敬請期待下集介紹! Stay Tuned for Part 2 Introduction!